sexta-feira, julho 08, 2005

Camel Spider: Vamo-nos cultivar.

Como nunca tinha ouvido falar de tal "bichinho amoroso" aqui ficam as informações gerais:

1. Camel spiders can be as large as dinner plates.
2. Camel spiders can travel at speeds up to 25 MPH, making screaming noises as they run.
3. Camel spiders are able to jump several feet in the air.
4. Camel spiders eat the stomachs of camels, hence the name "camel spider."
5. Camel spiders venom contains a powerful anesthetic that numbs their victims (thus allowing them to gnaw away at living, immobilized animals without being noticed). U.S. soldiers were said to have been attacked by camel spiders at night but remained completely unaware of their plight until they awakened in the morning to find chunks of their flesh missing.

FACTOS: Most of these claims are false or greatly exaggerated. Camel spiders (so named because, like camels, they can be found in sandy desert regions) grow to be moderately large (about a 5" leg span), but nowhere near as large as dinner plates; they can move very quickly in comparison to other arthropods (a top speed of maybe 10 MPH), but nothing close 25 MPH; they make no noise; and they capture prey without the use of either venom or anesthetic. Camel spiders rely on speed, stealth, and the (non-venomous) bite of powerful jaws to feed on small prey such as other arthropods (e.g., scorpions, crickets, pill bugs), lizards, and possibly mice or birds

Inofensivo ou não, se visse um bichinho destes a vir em minha direcção, depois de me borrar todo, rezava um Pai Nosso e uma Avé Maria e tentava correr porque um bicho deste tamanho, a 10 milhas/hora, na areia...ui...
Já agora, não sei de que tamanho são os dinner plates dos génios que escreveram este artigo, tanto a foto como o texto foram retirados do mesmo site e no entanto...o que é que esta gente come às refeições???

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